I have come to the end of the trip and as usual all the work piles up at the end. I spent the last three days mostly working on a Power Point presentation for Pastor Ruth Ulea to use when goes to Germany and Denmark next week. I put it into my Drop Box. You can download the presentation at the following link.
Tomorrow I will fly to Abuja and stay overnight. Then Wednesday I fly on Ethopian Airlines to Addis Ababa and on the Washington D.C. I am scheduled to have an overnight layover but instead I am going to stay in DC for awhile. My wife is flying in and we are staying at our son's house and playing with Sydney our granddaughter.
My trip had three purposes. Lutheran Partners in Global Ministry paid my airplane ticket. They needed someone to have a face to face discussion with the Demsa Health Centre Renovations Building Committee about the plans to renovate the Inpatient Building and add a surgical theater. That was a one day meeting and then a few days of reviewing the notes and writing up what was decided at the meeting. Pretty technical and boring stuff. Basically, the expansion for the surgical Theater will need to be a little bigger to make the flow of people, equipment and supplies work.
The second project was to carry a DrawTite trailer hitch for the Toyota Hilux truck, get it installed, teach some trailer backing lessons, train the water team on using the compressor for cleaning out boreholes. My previous posts have had pictures of my traveling with it. Thhitch fit perfect. Only had to hit one part with a hammer once. DrawTite made an excellent product and E-Trailer.com provide me great service.
The backing lessons have not gone as well. Yakubu had an accident and he burned his right hand. With a manual transmission it is difficult to try to back up and not use your right hand.
We took the compressor out to the Fulani Centre at Bronnum Lutheran Seminary. We were told they had a broken borehole we could fix their pump and train on flushing the borehole with the compressor. Unfortunately, the pump was not on a borehole but was mounted on a hand dug well. We fixed their pump but did not get to use the compressor.
On Friday we went out to the village of Mabakaure on the road to Numan. They did have a borehole. I was deeper than we expected and to get the air jetting tool to the bottom we had to lower 15 feet of air hose down the casing.
The flushing went well but we had gotten a late start and could only flush for 90 minutes. The water repair team wanted to quit after only 30 minutes. The water blowing out of the borehole looked clean. But when you put the water in a bucket you it was still a little brown so we continued.
My last project was to continue working on the Deaf Church. The money for the roof was transferred the day before I left on the trip. When I arrived on Friday August 22nd they were already installing the rafters. By September 11th they had completed the roof. The roof came in under budget. There was enough money left to pay for the exterior steel doors and the aluminum casement windows.