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Today was a double celebration. First was to celebrate Caroline. Caroline was killed in a traffic accident in Denmark. Her grandparents are members at the Deaf Church in Copenhagen, Denmark. They held the funeral services at her grandparents church. Money was contributed in her memory and the family sent it to Nigeria for the LCCN Deaf Centre to use it as they wished. They decided to buy sports uniforms with the money and school supplies. The shirts had Caroline's picture on the front with "Always Smile". The back says LCCN Deaf Centre. The children were very happy to have sports uniforms like the kids at the Cathedral Academy.

When most of the kids had shown up the went out to the open area and the teacher lead them through some stretching exercises and then they tossed a ball around the circle, then each tossed it high into the air and tried to catch it. The little kids did not toss it very high.
Pastor Ruth got her sports uniform on and joined the fun with a little volley ball without the net.
After the sports time we were waiting for parents and other dignitaries to show up for the end of term celebration. A former teacher who had left to have her second baby came around the corner and the kids rushed her. Later, I learned that she is married to the present teacher. The baby is being held by another staff member while the kids surround their former teacher for a picture.
After the parents showed up we started the program. There had been some confusion on the dates of the program. It was scheduled for Saturday be too many people could not come. So it rescheduled for Friday. About half of the parents were able to make it. It started with a prayer and then they gave all the parents a copy of the story about Caroline and read it while it was translated into sign.
The children then sang a song about dedicated to Caroline.
The teacher addressed the parents and thanked them for forming a PTA and introduced the officers of the PTA. He encouraged them to participate with the school and their children's education.
(At this point a little disclaimer. I have not reviewed the videos of the parents speaking. I believe what I have written below is mostly accurate. I hope to put together a more accurate presentation after I return to the US and have access to a better computer for video editing and high speed internet.)

Next the parents were asked if they had any comments they wanted to make. Several parents stood and thanked the teachers and the staff. They all said their children were communicating with them and with others better, they were studying hard and were eager to learn. Some of the comments included that their deaf children are learning more at the Deaf Centre than their hearing children are at the public schools. Also that these children have special talents that the teachers have brought out in the. One father, who is Muslim said that his child has more problems than his deafness. That the doctors told him that his would not be able to learn, would probably not be able to walk and play. But he has blossomed. He is communicating, running and playing with his deaf friends. He is even learning to read and some writing. It was inspirational to hear what a difference this deaf school is making in these children's lives. One parent is a Pastor and evangelist that was sent to Yola to start a Four Square Church. His son got sick and lost his hearing over a short period of time. He is so thankful that the LCCN had created the Deaf Centre and his son is now the one the communicates the most with whoever comes over to their house.
Farah James with Pastor Ruth |
One non-parent was in attendance and also spoke on how with her work in the community she has gotten to know many of the Deaf and the children attending the Centre are prospering more than other children. She said that all of these children are Special. They have special talents and qualities that other children and the hearing public will never understand. (They are Special Children, Not Special Needs Children. That was my interpretation.) Farah James is the director of a local HIV/Aids program, Spring of Hope and has recently been recognized as a leader in the field. She reminded me that I had missed her support group, Spring of Hope HIV/AIDS Support group meeting last Saturday. Their next meeting is after I leave.
After the parents made their comments, I was suppose to interview the parents and ask them if the school was having any positive affects on their children. But they had answered all my questions in their comments. So instead I thank them for their comments and encouraged them to continue to be part of their children's educations and to support the Deaf Centre and its mission to help all Deaf People. I also said a word or two about the reality of funding for programs like the LCCN Deaf Centre and other charitable programs. That funding was being cut back in the US and Denmark. That more programs will require higher matching funds from parents. The more the parents support the Centre the more successful the Centre can be in seeking funds from other sources. The Deaf Centre is a mud block building from the 1950's or earlier. It some structural issues and it is located next to the pit latrine of the public school next door. I hope that it replacement and relocation will be the next project after the Church project is finished.

The Patron of the LCCN Deaf Centre and the Cathedral Deaf Church, Mrs. Bidil Lautrai wife of former Bishop William Lautrai spoke next, about Caroline and how the Deaf Church in Denmark will be happy that Caroline is being honored here today. She also encouraged the parents to support the Deaf Centre and the Deaf Church project. She also challenged the Vicar of the Cathedral Church to show more financial support for the Centre and the Church project. It was good that the Vicar was in attendance to hear about the good work the Centre was doing for the children. The Deaf Centre for years was just that building out behind the Cathedral on the Mission Compound.
Finally, we had closing prayers. The Vicar Rev. Thiophilus Shadrach said a prayer followed by a prayer from one of the Muslim parents. The schools has about half Christian and half Muslim children.
Pastor Ruth Ulea with the supplies purchased with the money left
over after the sports uniforms were purchased. |
I am writing this on after the Sunday Service. There were 25 people in attendance at the Deaf Service under the tin roof on the patio of the Deaf Centre. At the end of the service most of us walked over the the Specialty Hospital to visit one of the young ladies father who is seriously ill. On the way back as we walked down the street with everyone signing a boy yelled out to us that his little brother who was hiding behind him was deaf and attended the Jada Special School. School is out and the children are on break until after Easter. We stopped and Pastor Ruth asked him his name. He clung to his brother's leg and did not respond. He was either frightened by all the attention or he has not learned any sign. Pastor Ruth said there are over a thousand students Jada and they do not have enough teachers or even enough food to feed the children. The school is free but unless you already have some signing ability you cannot learn. She had hoped things would improve since the Governor's First Wife is deaf. But she has not been able to improve things there. The Governors Second Wife is a doctor and has been put in charge of HIV/AIDS funding. Still the best programs are operated by local and national charities like Farah's program.
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Now if you have read to here and you appreciate the work I am doing and wonder how you can help. It is simple, help me by clicking and donating to the Deaf Church Walls Fund. We are trying to raise $5,000 from small individual donations. It is really going slow. This fund is just to build the block walls of the Deaf Church. Just as important as donations are so is SHARING. When you donate you can help to multiply that donation by clicking the Facebook or Tweeter or other sharing buttons. Tell your friends that you have donated and that they too can help the Deaf see the Word of God. Please Donate and Share. At the current rate we will be in the rainy season before we reach our goal.
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